Meet the Team

To contact us, call Flinders Medical Centre Switchboard and ask for the MND Rehab Clinic: (08) 8204 5511
To find out more information, it is best to speak with your medical team as they can guide to make an informed decision about your future health choices.

Other support services available
Motor Neurone Disease Association of South Australia (MNDSA)
MNDSA can visit you at home and can assist with guidance regarding aspects of community support. If you wish for us to refer you to MNDSA we gladly will.
Palliative Care Services
Palliative Care services provide valuable input into symptom and quality of life issues for those with a life limiting illness. There are many palliative care teams across metropolitan and rural South Australia. A referral to a local palliative care service is sometimes best made early in a person’s disease process and if you wish you are welcome to discuss a referral with us or with your GP.
Day Rehabilitation Services
At times it might be appropriate to refer you to one of the Day Rehabilitation locations across the various metropolitan public hospital sites.
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